Style Guide


Large Hero

Gutenberg Blocks

This is a container with a background image, H1, H2 and Paragraph pre-styled. You can add-n-remove as needed. Only use the Title (H1) if this is the first section of the page.

This is the Title (H1)

This is the Subtitle (H2)

This is some paragraph text that goes underneath or is completely deleted.

Small Hero

Gutenberg Blocks

This is a container with a background image, H1, H2 and Paragraph pre-styled. You can add-n-remove as needed. Only use the Title (H1) if this is the first section of the page.

This is the Title (H1)

This is the Subtitle (H2)

This is some paragraph text that goes underneath or is completely deleted.


Image with Large Caption

Gutenberg Blocks

Look for Image / Large Caption in the list of blocks to use this. It’s a simple image block with the caption at the bottom (on the front-end of the site, the caption will appear over the image). These images should not be linked. There is another block for that.

Image with Small Caption

Gutenberg Blocks

Look for Image / Small Caption in the list of blocks to use this. It’s a simple image block with the caption at the bottom (on the front-end of the site, the caption will appear over the image). These images should not be linked. There is another block for that.

Here is a brief description (ie. caption) of this particular photo
Here is a brief description (ie. caption) of this particular photo
Here is a brief description (ie. caption) of this particular photo

Paragraph with Border

Gutenberg Blocks

Look for Paragraph with Border in the list of blocks. This is meant to just highlight a simple line of text.

This is a paragraph

Column Highlight

Gutenberg Blocks

Type /column and select Column Highlight (either Light or Dark). The color (Light/Dark) is the font color you want to have. Note: the background color is NOT apart of the reusable block.

Sunday Drive-in Worship Service


Pray and Play

Following the Children’s Moment at 11am Worship at the Playground Pavilion

Wednesday Bible Study

5pm via Zoom link
Led by Rev. Allison Per-Lee
Study of the Minor Prophets

See notice in ‘From the Pastor’s Desk’

Sunday Drive-in Worship Service


Pray and Play

Following the Children’s Moment at 11am Worship at the Playground Pavilion

Wednesday Bible Study

5pm via Zoom link
Led by Rev. Allison Per-Lee
Study of the Minor Prophets

See notice in ‘From the Pastor’s Desk’

Thick Outline Callout

Gutenberg Blocks

Look for Thick Outline Callout in the list of blocks. This is meant to just highlight a section of text.

This is a Header

This is a paragraph

One-Line CTA

Gutenberg Blocks

Look for One-Line CTA in the list of blocks. The left side is meant for a few words living inside a paragraph. You can adjust the button colors + the background color of the Container

Check out all of the updates at our WPC Craft Fair Facebook Page!

Image Links

Gutenberg Blocks

Look for Image Links in the list of blocks. The number of columns is required to select prior to loading it in (there is code at the Single Column level that makes the links work correctly).

This is the caption

This is a paragraph

This is the caption

This is a paragraph

This is the caption

This is a paragraph

This is the caption

This is a paragraph

This is the caption

This is a paragraph

This is the caption

This is a paragraph

This is the caption

This is a paragraph


Gutenberg Blocks

Add a Separator Block. Select a color. You can attach any of the following classes to change style.









Core Styles

These are not reusable blocks. This just shows the default styling for all content across the board. Anything that requires a CSS class will be noted.


Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6


Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tristique lacus eu nunc iaculis aliquet. Sed at aliquet urna. Maecenas nec felis dictum felis sodales porttitor. Sed sit amet feugiat libero, eget vehicula justo. Suspendisse at feugiat sem. Nulla molestie laoreet augue sit amet viverra. Curabitur tortor eros, mattis ultrices orci condimentum, efficitur commodo augue. Mauris sed justo pulvinar, condimentum magna nec, bibendum massa. Cras mattis ultricies metus et sodales. Nulla commodo est eget ante consectetur molestie. Morbi vel vehicula mauris, ac luctus nibh.

Aenean odio quam, lacinia quis purus vel, facilisis pretium nibh. Phasellus a nulla auctor, accumsan ligula at, viverra odio. In ut ipsum risus. Donec porta maximus diam, ac rutrum orci hendrerit id. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam vitae vestibulum nulla. Cras rhoncus consequat pretium. Nam nisi arcu, bibendum sed metus in, finibus consectetur libero. Aenean purus velit, euismod ac justo nec, tempus consequat augue. Phasellus bibendum lacus at consectetur elementum. Cras id magna at lectus placerat laoreet. Phasellus a lacus posuere, gravida urna sed, imperdiet tellus.

  • Vestibulum cursus volutpat lorem
  • Vitae iaculis justo luctus sed. Sed eu ligula ligula.
  • Cras convallis quam ac sem condimentum
  • Pharetra rutrum dolor sodales.

Phasellus sapien augue, tincidunt quis pharetra non, mattis eget ligula. Pellentesque volutpat orci felis, fermentum gravida mauris viverra sed. Donec vitae erat non neque blandit interdum. Phasellus ac nunc lorem. Ut vestibulum quam eu metus aliquam, nec tristique turpis faucibus. Aenean volutpat accumsan metus at efficitur. Integer justo nibh, laoreet vitae vehicula sit amet, feugiat in ante. Phasellus venenatis, nibh in congue ultrices, ante enim vulputate leo, ut convallis felis ligula vel elit. Etiam laoreet nibh vitae risus accumsan lacinia ac ut lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut mollis est non rhoncus eleifend.


As the text inside of each button, I have written out the CSS class to apply at the Button level to make the size correct. Each button, I have used a different background and text color.


Create a Container with a Header 3 and a Buttons block. Attach the class at the Container Level to apply border. Chose Alignment.

This is a Header 3 tag