Plan a Visit

We are located in the heart of Snellville right off Highway 78! We are easy to get to, and there is plenty of parking!
Our facility is handicap accessible. During Worship Services we have sound amplification devices that are available for the hearing impaired. We also use projection screens which help the vision impaired.
We are eager for you to visit with us!
Westminster Church is more than a beautiful campus in the heart of Snellville. We are a loving Church Family filled with faithful Christians from all walks of life; since our founding in 1978, hundreds of people have worshipped God in Spirit and truth, have served Jesus Christ in this Community, and have welcomed all who want to build a meaningful relationship with Jesus.
We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of the world, and He calls us to be in authentic relationships with our Living God and with one another.
Westminster members are committed to loving and serving Jesus.
Westminster takes Worship, Bible Study, Care Ministry, and Outreach and Evangelism and Service seriously. We believe that in Scripture we see the heart of God and discover the mission of His Church. We seek to touch the lives of those in our city, our nation, and our world. WPC accepts God’s challenge to love and serve others.
Westminster has a place for you! We invite you to join us. Come and get connected to this loving, caring Christian Family! We want you to feel at home and know that you belong here!
Worship Schedule
Our Worship Service includes praise as well as traditional music. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. Our children leave Worship for Children’s Church after the Children’s Moment every week.
We also offer special Worship Services during the year for Advent and Lent.
Sunday Worship Service
Following the Children’s Moment at 10:30am Worship in the Children’s Wing.
Adult Bible Study
5pm via Zoom link
See notice in ‘From the Pastor’s Desk’
Prayer Time
10:00am in the Cry Room near Sanctuary Entrance
Please join us each Sunday morning prior to our Worship Service as we gather to lift up our thanks for the new day our Lord has created.
Program for Teens
Sunday afternoon Fellowship at 5:15-7:15 PM in the Youth Room and Wednesday Night Bible Study at 6:45- 7: 45 PM in the Youth Room.
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday Nights at 7:30 PM
Sunday Church School
9:30am in Children’s Wing.
A Nursery is available during Sunday School and Worship.
Wednesday Night Dinner and Program
September-April 6:00 PM.
Video Archive
Westminster Presbyterian Church exists to BRING people into relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church, GROW them in the knowledge and love of God, and SEND them into ministry wherever the Spirit directs.
View all past services on our YouTube Channel