Music Ministry
About Our Music Ministry
Our Music Ministry is led by Mr. Mark Belloto, and we offer a number of wonderful opportunities to serve God with musical gifts and talents.
Our Chancel Choir meets ever Wednesday Evening to rehearse music for Sunday Worship, Special Services, and two Cantatas each Christmas and Easter.
Our Bell Choir meets on Sunday after Worship to rehearse in order to lead Sunday Worship Services.
Our Praise Team rehearses as the member’s schedule permits and this group leads Worship about once per month.
We are always looking for people to join our Choir, Bell Choir, and Praise Team.
Soloists, instrumentalists, and young singers are needed.
WPC Jubilee Choir
Elementary age children(ages 5-10) are invited to join us on Wednesday afternoons, 5 pm – 5:45 pm, for Jubilee Choir where they will learn songs and music theory. Music, games and fellowship strengthen their spirituality and friendships and prepare them to lead in worship. New anthems and hymns are learned to build their knowledge of scriptures. Questions? Contact henry.hadden@wpcsnellville.org