Adult Education
Sunday Morning Adult Education Classes meet at 9:30 AM:
- Acts 29 Class (Bible study)
- Christian Living (Book study)
- Seasonal Electives
- Seasonal Forums during Advent and Lent
Weekday Adult Education:
- Holy Conversations
- Lenten In-Home Studies
- Stephen Ministry Care Studies
- Summer Dinner and Devotions
- Truth Seekers Bible Study
- Wednesday Night Semester Studies

Our Adult Education Classes include:

Acts 29
Acts 29 is a great group of people who enjoy a time of prayer and Bible study each week. The class meets in the Board Room (Rooms 16-18) at 9:30 am on Sundays.

Exploring the Church Class
This class meets in the Parlor as needed with the Pastors and the Welcoming Committee. Primarily for visitors and prospects this class focuses on the following topics: What does it mean to be Presbyterian? Mission and Ministry of God’s Church at WPC. Spiritual practices and disciplines of Christians and members.

Christian Living
Christian Living is a wonderful, growing class that enjoys discussing thought-provoking theological and cultural topics and how Scripture speaks to these topics. The class also offers a quarterly fellowship time. All are welcome to join us in Room 19 at 9:30 am on Sundays.

Seasonal Electives
On occasion we have special elective classes that are relevant to our Christian lives. Past classes include “The Praying Grandparent” or “Theology for Everyone.” Contact the church office for more information or watch the newsletter.